How to root samsung galaxy S2

Rooting is the Android version of jailbreaking your mobile device. This article will teach you to root your Samsung Galaxy S2 running Jelly Bean (4.1.1 and 4.1.2). Be extra careful when downloading ROMs
—be sure they are specifically for your version of Galaxy S2, or you risk bricking your PHONE.

Turn off your phone. Then, hold down Volume Down, Center Home, and Power. Continue holding until you see a warning screen (about 3 seconds).

Hit Volume Up. Then, connect your Galaxy S2 to your computer.

Download the Jeboo Kernel and ODIN package. Unzip the ODIN files, but leave the kernel file as a .tar.

Double click ODIN3v1.85.exe. This will run the program. You should then see a yellow highlighted box with COM and a number in it.

Hit the "PDA" button. This should be in the checklist below the start button.

Choose the Jeboo Kernel.tar file you just downloaded.

Hit "Start." The kernel should start flashing. Wait until you see the word "PASS!", then let your Galaxy S2 restart.

Download Superuser Zip file. If you can, download it straight to your PHONE. Otherwise, you can copy it over from your computer.

Turn off your phone. Hold Volume Up, Center Home, and Power until your phone goes into CWM Recovery (about 20 seconds).

Choose "Install Zip." It should be the second option on the list.

Click "Choose zip from Internal sdcard." If you're transferring the zip over from your computer, choose "Choose zip from sdcard."

Find the Superuser file. You'll most likely find it in your downloads folder.

Choose "". This will install su binary and Superuser to your galazy S2.

Confirm by clicking "Yes" when prompted.

Reboot. You'll find an app called SuperSU. The first time you use it, you'll have to grant permission via a popup window. Then, you'll be good to go. Enjoy your newly rooted PHONE!
This is all guys. I shall upload how to root other phones soon.

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